Welcome Mama, 

I’m so GLAD you’re here.

I created Natally Nourished for YOU. In the midst of you creating, carrying & caring for life, this is a space for you to be seen, nourished & nurtured.

I understand under-nourishment well. There was a time in my life where I was disconnected from the needs of my body, where I neglected nourishment & experienced a cascade of effects from depletion.

With a deep and desperate desire to experience energy, strength and divine alignment in my body in order to thrive, I dove into the world of healing. This initiated my journey to a decade of study and a love for the power of nutrients available to us.

I have loved supporting mothers and families over the years and can’t wait to work with yours!

Love, Kalyca xx

Our Mission

Our mission is to see mothers equipped with the knowledge and understanding of holistic and evidence based nutrition to be able to confidently NOURISH themselves during pregnancy, postpartum & beyond.

We are here to encourage, nurture & nourish mothers on their journey to matrescence.*

* The life changing transition where a woman travels through pre-conception, pregnancy and birth, to the postnatal period and beyond.


We have been in those consultation rooms ourselves where you pay a pretty penny, wait for weeks for the appointment, only to feel talked at rather than listened to, thoughtfully taught and brilliantly equipped. We don’t want that for you.

Natally Nourished is here to equip & empower you with nutrition tools and resources so that you feel confident in your choices during pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, starting solids and navigating allergenic food introductions.

We believe wholeheartedly that in order to FLOURISH, you need to be NOURISHED; body, soul & spirit.

Our Values


We know that you are here because your health is a value to you and you probably are already all over the healthy lifestyle. We are here to help you elevate your nutrition and holistic health game through expert guidance, education and individualised support.


In a space where mothers are bombarded with information and can easily be made to feel overwhelmed & unequipped, Natally Nourished holds space for the mother to be held.

Natally Nourished doesn’t shy away from vulnerability but embraces it. We desire for each mother to walk out of a consultation or workshop feeling uplifted, encouraged & strengthened.

Beyond nutrition consultancy, we are also a part of your village and exist to support YOU.


Natally Nourished desires to cut through the overabundance of poor nutrition advice available and bring clarity through evidence based, up to date and holistically focused nutrition education.

We aim to educate you during our consultations and workshops so that you are able to understand the why behind ingredients & lifestyle recommendations and recognise the power of nutrients in your food.

Teach a woman to fish and you’ll feed her for a lifetime etc xx