Begin the journey to a well Nourished Mother & Child
Prenatal Nutrition
Weeks 1-12
Congrats mama! What an exciting time. We are sure you have plenty of questions and are wondering how to best nourish yourself and bub...we are here for you!The first 12 weeks are crucial to ensure you are being supplied with quality nutrients, minerals and vitamins to support DNA synthesis, neural tube, thyroid and immune development.
In your first consultation we will do a deep dive into your current diet, common pregnancy conditions you're experiencing (such as nausea, fatigue & constipation) and food precautions, prenatals & supplements, lifestyle and medical history to uniquely understand you and your needs.
We will discuss essential first trimester nutrients and review whether your diet and supplements are meeting these requirements.At the end of the consultation you will be given a tailored first trimester plan with detailed nutritional and supplemental guidance.
Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost. -
Weeks 13 - 27
In the second trimester your essential nutrients shift and your blood volume increases by 50%! There is some major skeletal, muscle and heart development going on during this time and how you are nourished can make a positive lifelong impact on your little one.
During this consultation we will review your current diet, second trimester conditions that you're experiencing, make necessary supplement adjustments and do a full health check in.
At the end of the consultation you will be given a tailored second trimester plan with detailed nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle guidance.Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
Weeks 28 - 40
The home stretch! You are so very close to meeting your little joy. This is when the nutritional needs of your baby are reaching their peak and there is rapid growth taking place. Nutrient focus shifts to increasing blood volume and iron demands, cellular and bone development and placenta health.During this 90 minute consultation we will discuss the nutrient changes in the third trimester and review your diet and supplements to make sure you are meeting these needs.
We will explore your current diet, any conditions you are experiencing or may experience and how to holistically manage them, review your lifestyle and medical history and create a tailored nutritional and supplemental plan to support these final few weeks.
We will also focus on preparing to nourish your labour, cover topics such as natural inductions, birth prep and plans and discuss postpartum preparation.
At the end of the consultation you will also be given nourishing recipes for labour & postpartum to minimise nutrient depletion and support recovery.
Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
For those who are confident in their nutrition during pregnancy but are feeling overwhelmed by the prenatal and supplement aisle and want to know the best forms and brands to be taking.
During this 30 minute consultation we will review your current supplement regime and make recommendations and changes where needed. We will guide you on the optimal and most bioavailable forms to be aware of and the brands we recommend.
After the consultation you will receive a tailored supplement plan for your specific trimester and requirements.
*Please note that supplements, no matter their high quality, should never replace a wholefoods and diverse diet. Natally Nourished strongly recommends a consultation with our nutrition team to receive individualized diet and supplement support.
All supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost. -
This package, valued at $450, covers x4 consultations throughout your pregnancy - one per trimester and one into postpartum.
You will receive detailed and personalized meal and supplement plans each trimester, blood test recommendations, holistic management protocols of pregnancy and postpartum conditions, a low tox ebook that covers our pregnancy and postpartum low tox living recommendations and nourishing guidelines in preparation for birth.
Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
Please note this is only for clients who have already had an initial consultation during their specific trimester and are needing to follow up their previous consultation, discuss blood test results, supplement support or management for pregnancy conditions.
Please email us at hello@natallynourished.com if you have any immediate concerns.
Postpartum & Breastfeeding
For the newly postpartum mother or mother in the final few weeks of pregnancy and wanting to prepare for postpartum.
Congratulations mama on the arrival of your sweet little one.
Natally Nourished firmly believes that richly nourishing foods is critical to postpartum (vaginal or c-section) recovery.
How you are taken care of during this time can support your healing, energy, milk supply and hormonal shifts.
During this consultation we will discuss the macro and micro nutrients needed during these first 6 weeks after birth. We will focus on traditional and holistic approaches to support your digestion and wellbeing, review your support system and order relevant blood tests to minimise the risks of postpartum nutrient depletion. We will also do an overall check in to your mental and physical health.
At the end of the consultation you will receive a tailored postpartum protocol for diet, supplementing and holistic recovery practices.
You will also be given nourishing postpartum recipes that can be given to your meal train / family to nourish you during this time.
Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
During this 60 minute consultation we will review your current diet and supplement regime, we will discuss your breastfeeding journey and any conditions you have experienced or could experience (eg mastitis, undersupply, weaning etc.) and how to manage them. We will highlight the nutrients required for rich breastmilk production and discuss any barriers that are preventing you from reaching your breastfeeding goals.
At the end of your consultation you will receive a holistic protocol for navigating a successful breastfeeding relationship, a meal plan to cover optimal lactation nutrient demands and necessary supplement and formula support. If needed you will also receive relevant referrals for further support.
Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
During this in depth consultation we will cover your postpartum and breastfeeding journey in detail and navigate how to best support you.
We will discuss your current diet and supplements, lifestyle and environment and cover the nutrients needed for optimal postpartum recovery and breastfeeding support.
After this consultation you will receive a tailored plan to support your recovery and milk supply. Necessary supplement recommendations and a holistic management plan for postpartum and common breastfeeding conditions will also be detailed.
If necessary, additional referrals, formula brands or blood test recommendations can be made.Please note, all supplementation & blood testing are at an additional cost.
Please note this is only for clients who have already had an initial postpartum or breastfeeding consultation and are needing to discuss blood test results, supplement support or management for specific conditions.
Please email us at hello@natallynourished.com if you have any immediate concerns.
Baby Nutrition
This 90 minute consultation will cover everything you need to know about starting your little one on solids. We will begin with an overview of your child’s health history and any family history of known food allergens. We will discuss developmental signs of readiness, knowing when to start solids and how much to offer.
The different ways of offering solids such as baby led weaning, spoon feeding or combination feeding will be covered, as well as knowing how to balance milk with meals, and recognising signs that your baby is full.
An important area of coverage is navigating gagging, choking, knowing the high risk foods for these and when to step in.
You will learn the ideal first foods to offer and ones to delay, as well as the size, shape and textures of foods appropriate for your baby.
Knowing when to introduce allergens, if your baby may be at risk for developing a reaction and what to do if a reaction occurs are discussed in depth. We will cover the signs of a food sensitivity vs a food allergy, how to navigate constipation when starting solids and when your baby might need additional vitamin supplementation.
At the end of this consultation you will receive a detailed document summarizing our consultation that includes an allergen checklist and introduction timeline, images and instructions for serving finger food.
Navigating eczema in your child can feel incredibly overwhelming, there is so much (not always helpful) information that can do more damage than good. During this consultation we will discuss the two pronged approach to eczema; focusing on both the external and internal.
Eliminating eczema requires more than a topical treatment, which fails to address the underlying issue. Eczema is an external symptom of internal dysfunction and the only way to properly manage it is from the root.We will review your child's current diet (or if not yet on solids and being breastfed, review your own diet), environment, medical history and unpack gut health, digestion and the immune system. The holistic approach to eczema that we take includes an individualised gut support protocol where we focus on eliminating the triggers, strengthening your child's intestinal barrier, rebuilding their microbiome, supplement support and reducing toxin loads.
The individualised gut support protocol may include an elimination diet where we attempt to identify any food sensitivities that can be contributing to your child's eczema, you will receive support in how to do an elimination diet, what to do once a food sensitivity has been identified and when to retest.
At the end of your consultation you will receive a personalised and detailed strategy for supporting your child in the elimination of their eczema through both an internal and external approach. This will include a document of our holistic recommendations for topical and environmental management.
Please note, supplements or gut microbiome testing will incur an additional fee.
The full package deal for any parent that is looking for a detailed consultation covering;
Knowing when to start, the signs of readiness and how much to offer
The different ways of offering solids
Balancing milk with meals
Signs your baby is full
Baby led weaning, spoon feeding or combination feeding
Gagging vs choking, high risk foods, when to step in, what to do
The size, shape and texture of food to offer
Ideal first foods to offer
Foods to delay
Knowing when to supplement baby
Knowing when and how to introduce allergens, who is at risk for developing a reaction and what to do if a reaction occurs.
How to identify a food sensitivity vs food allergy
Navigating constipation when introducing solids
The two pronged approach to eczema in babies
Holistically approaching eczema through an elimination diet and gut support protocol, toxin reduction and specific supplement regime.
How to strengthen your childs intestinal barrier, populate their gut microbiome and identify food triggers.
At the end of this consultation you will receive a detail report covering the topics discussed, an allergen checklist and introduction timeline, images and instructions for serving finger food, a list of our holistic recommendations for topical and environmental eczema management and a gut support protocol.
Please note this is only for clients who have already had an initial solids or eczema consultation and are needing to discuss microbiome test results, supplement support, food elimination support or any additional concerns.