Baby Allergen Introduction Tracker
Navigating the world of allergens and their introduction is stressful enough. So we’ve created an allergen tracker just for you to be able to stay on top of what you have and haven’t introduced.
Simply purchase, download , print it out and laminate it to make it reusable.
We keep ours on the fridge to check it off after each introduction.
Navigating the world of allergens and their introduction is stressful enough. So we’ve created an allergen tracker just for you to be able to stay on top of what you have and haven’t introduced.
Simply purchase, download , print it out and laminate it to make it reusable.
We keep ours on the fridge to check it off after each introduction.
Navigating the world of allergens and their introduction is stressful enough. So we’ve created an allergen tracker just for you to be able to stay on top of what you have and haven’t introduced.
Simply purchase, download , print it out and laminate it to make it reusable.
We keep ours on the fridge to check it off after each introduction.